questionamentos de quem anda de ônibus.

There´s something about the leaves falling down that break my heart. What is it?
The way God says he´s not yet discouraged of us? Music written in the air? Tenderness and sacrifice from the trees? Gifts? Unexplainable?
And what about the wind? It loves to cuddle around the world. Everything. Our hair, our skin, the ocean, the feathers of a bird, those same tree leaves. The world dances in joy. All the time.
In the end, maybe, these leaves don´t  fall  to be the protagonists. This ballet of everyday between leaves and wind are only a frame. Maybe what we should see is beyond them, staring. You see, that´s why it is known that God is all around us. Leaves fall everywhere.
No. He´s not discouraged of us at all. Even though, most days, we are discouraged of everything, of ourselves.
But, seriously, there must be something there, right? Beyond those leaves.
Well, there'll always be these never ending questions as long as I ride the bus.

[Achei no meu diário já escrito em inglês.]


jason00454 disse…
Very wonderful! I think you must read my mind.
brunasilveira disse…
que chique! curti muito!

"You see, that´s why it is known that God is all around us. Leaves fall everywhere."

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